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API access key

Is there a way to use API write methods without private key and phrase of account?

Smth like one click trading, but with API

Hey Nikita,

If you're using our Python/Typescript SDKs then you'd need the seedphrase of the account to perform POST calls, you could also use sub-accounts to trade using a parent account's funds, but that parent would need to whitelist your account as a sub-account (this can also be done through our SDKs):

If you're making the http calls directly then you wouldn't need the seedphrase but only to send the auth token (Bearer Token) of the account in the header of every API request you make. You can get this auth token either by our SDKs (initializing the account with the seedphrase) or through the UI by connecting the account and going to the console and looking for the Onboarding request.

i think sub-accounts feature has no sense while i can add sub account only though sdk, i mean i want to trade for another user without his seedphrase, but user itself cannot set my account as sub-account, i can do it for him but i need to know his seedphrase to do that xd :)

We'll look to add a simple UI module to whitelist sub-accounts, so that regular retail users can also do this. We'll work on this closer to the Launch of Bluefin Pro.




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