You can use the getCoinAmountsFromPositionID()
function to calculate the token amounts for a given position at the current point in time
import { QueryChain } from "@firefly-exchange/library-sui/dist/src/spot";
import { SuiClient } from "@firefly-exchange/library-sui";
import { TickMath, ClmmPoolUtil } from "@firefly-exchange/library-sui/dist/src/spot/clmm";
import { BN } from "bn.js";
const client = new SuiClient({ url: "" });
async function getCoinAmountsFromPositionID(posID: string){
let qc = new QueryChain(client);
let pos = await qc.getPositionDetails(posID)
let pool = await qc.getPool(pos.pool_id);
let lowerSqrtPrice = TickMath.tickIndexToSqrtPriceX64(pos.lower_tick)
let upperSqrtPrice = TickMath.tickIndexToSqrtPriceX64(pos.upper_tick)
const coinAmounts = ClmmPoolUtil.getCoinAmountFromLiquidity(new BN(pos.liquidity),new BN (pool.current_sqrt_price), lowerSqrtPrice, upperSqrtPrice, false)
return {
coinAAmount: coinAmounts.coinA.toString(),
coinBAmount: coinAmounts.coinB.toString()
.then((resp) => console.log(JSON.stringify(resp)))
.catch((err) => console.error("Error:", err));