API Reference

Collect Rewards

You can use the collectRewards() function to collect the rewards of a specific position.

If there are no rewards to collect, this function will revert.


import { QueryChain, OnChainCalls } from "@firefly-exchange/library-sui/dist/src/spot";
import { Ed25519Keypair, SuiClient } from "@firefly-exchange/library-sui";
import { mainnet } from '../config'

const client = new SuiClient({ url: "https://fullnode.mainnet.sui.io:443" });

/// Parameters:
/// - privateKey        : The private key of the user making the blockchain call
/// - posID             : The position ID of the position whose rewards are being collected

async function collectRewards(privateKey: string, posID: string){
    let qc = new QueryChain(client);
    const keyPair = Ed25519Keypair.fromSecretKey(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'));

    let oc = new OnChainCalls(client,mainnet, {signer: keyPair});

    let pos = await qc.getPositionDetails(posID);
    let pool = await qc.getPool(pos.pool_id);
    let resp = await oc.collectRewards(pool, posID);

    return resp;

await collectRewards("<private key>","0xdfb915d248674db372adfc3caba299bf0ce2ed216a6475498eabbd28c92b6c84")